Suggestion for Next Concrete5 Update - "Copy From Clipboard" for Stacks

Over the last few weeks I've noted that there is no "Paste From Clipboard" option in the Stacks menu. It seems to be everywhere else - why isn't it here? Stacks make for incredibly powerful tools, but losing the ability to paste there can be a significant hassle....

Pixelfixer replied on at Permalink Reply
I totally agree and second that motion! Pasting from the Clipboard to Stacks would be very useful. So what do you say Core Team?
megant replied on at Permalink Reply
And a "duplicate stack" function would be also useful on the dashboard.
WebOnTheWebb replied on at Permalink Reply
I wholeheartedly agree! It would make life much easier all round...
extremecreations replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah this would be useful!
okapi replied on at Permalink Reply
I would be loving that too! Also, since stacks are so useful, there should be a way to organize them. Sadly, we won't see any of these features in the upcoming version 5.6.
terano replied on at Permalink Reply
Same desire here.