Supersized slideshow background

Hi Everyone and all the best for the new year!

I'm hoping someone will have done this in the past or know of a way to utilise Supersized ( as the background and main content of a site I am putting together for a friend. I have managed to instigate it in HTML for their holding page but transfering this to C5 and managing it's content has proven impossible as i can't seem to get it to work with hte file manager as Jordanlev suggests here:

Can anyone help me as this was supposed to be live for the new year!

Holding page:

Test site in C5:

openly replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I have had a quick look at the code for this, the only simple way to allow images to be added and changed by someone non-technical would be to create a block that would place the image links in the JS and also add the corresponding HTML.

There are loads of jQuery Plugin Add-ons in the market place that use the same principle to allow the various options to be selected from a block. You could have a look at these for inspiration.

However if this is beyond your skill level it will take a bit of learning or you may be better getting someone to do it for you, a good developer should be able to create a basic block for this quite easily.
craftyCS replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks for your reply I will investigate adding in some javascript links to the images