Tabset not displaying properly when signed out

Hi there, ok, my problem is simple. I'm sure it has something to do with CSS overiding somewhere, but I do not have enough experience in Concrete to find out exactly what is going wrong.

In edit mode the <ul tabset><li class ccm-dialog-tabs> is displaying perfectly, but as soon as I sign out or view it from another computer without being signed in it looks like a normal list instead of tabs.

I am using the standard tabs in Concrete. Found in the HowTo area.

I've tried clearing cache on my browser and in the dashboard...No joy.

I really need urgent help with this as it was meant to be handed over to a client, but I just can't figure this one thing out...

Thanks in advance for any help.

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
jquery and jquery.ui are only loaded by default when the dashboard is showing (edit mode).

When in a simple view mode, C5 does not load these scripts.

You can:
- put jquery and jquery.ui in an addHeadwerItem in an on page view event handler of a block controller
- build them into your theme
- lazy load them using javascript from a view
- use my free load jquery.ui addon

Its probably worth using the addon first just to make sure adding ui will sort things out, even if you want to use a more embedded method like adding it to a theme. The controller is also a source of examples on how to do block option.
BendingBetty replied on at Permalink Reply
Doesn't seem to be working...Going to try adding it to the header. Do I have to point to where the actual js and css files are, or is leaving them the same as your example good enough?
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
C5 has its own copies of jquery and jquery.ui, so knows where to find them and you don't need to point addheaderItem to any folders.

In the past there have been some funnies with jquery.ui tabs so if you continue to have problems, perhaps check what is loading from the developer console and then add some simple code to test that ui is loaded and running ok before chasing up other possible causes.

I find a slider is usually a simple test that ui is running, just hack something like into an html block.
BendingBetty replied on at Permalink Reply
All I had to do was to add your addon, then copy "jquery.js", "jquery.ui.css" and "jquery.ui.js" to the folder that the theme is in.

Thanks so much, once again
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Copying jquery and ui is not a safe thing to do. C5 already has its own copies. You have now introduced duplicate copies. There is a high risk they will be loaded in addition to the C5 copies, and hence create a duplicate definition script error and break the dashboard or the whole site.

The addon only loads jquery and ui on pages where it is enabled by you adding a block or page attribute. Maybe you needed to enable it.
BendingBetty replied on at Permalink Reply
You sir, are a life saver. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and letting me know how to fix this. So many people ignore others with noob questions. Really appreciate it