Taking the commerce out of ecommerce

I'm reposting this to the building forum since the ecommerce discussions area is full of tumbleweeds.


I'm wondering about the possibility of using the e-commerce package to create an online catalog without completing transactions online.

The goal is to let people create a "cart" full of products to inquire about. Is it possible to disable payment and simply send an email regarding the "order"?

We wouldn't need billing or shipping information, for that matter.

I played around with the demo but it wasn't obvious if these items could be disabled without breaking the system. Doesn't have to be possible through the dashboard... I can change the view to hide the fields I don't need... but I don't know if the system will allow those fields to be unfilled.

I hope someone who knows the package a bit can let me know if this is possible.


Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
it would require quite a bit of hacking but it is certainly possible
kirkroberts replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your response!

Can you elaborate on "quite a bit" of hacking?

I'm hoping to get an idea if this is within my skills (I'm not afraid of PHP and can script, but I'm no star).
artisancreative replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah has anyone got any advice as to how you would go about setting this up?
MAKG replied on at Permalink Reply
(post removed)
helllooodpr88 replied on at Permalink Reply
The only hacking I did to create this was I added this css:

td.ccm-core-commerce-cart-price {display: none;}
tr.ccm-core-commerce-cart-subtotal {display:none;}

This just hides the price during the check out process. I also changed everything from add to cart to add to quote.

I am still working on removing the billing page. That has seemed to a bit more difficult.

I hope this helps.
ianj replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you been able to make any progress on this? I have to make a wholesale website site for a client. It needs the e-commerce to show the products but no credit card or checkout process, just an emailed order through to the manufacturer.

I would be interested in how you got around the need for a billing page. Any direction would help.


helllooodpr88 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Ian,

I have not found a way to bypass the billing and shipping pages. Instead, for our applications I just changed the names on the pages, these are technically hacks, so when the eCommerce system updates it will be replaced. I am currently trying to develop custom attributes that will automatically replace the name for me. I am more of a designer than a developer, so this is definitely in uncharted waters for me, so it might be a week or so. Would you like me to show you where I changed the names in the files and what files I did change for the hack?