TextMate Concrete5 Bundle

I am a huge fan of TextMate for OS X, and I couldn't find a Bundle out there for Concrete5, so I made one.

This is a VERY basic version. We'll call it version 0.0.1. It just has a couple Snippets of code I commonly use in designing Concrete5 Themes.

If people are actually interested in this, I am happy to add more as people request it. But for now, it is at its bare minimum, really just for MY use. But like I said, if it helps someone else, I'll add whatever is requested (if I can).

Here's a permalink to the most current version:http://www.thedigidocs.com/wp-content/downloads/currenttmc5.php...


12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
sweet! thanks for doing this.
Voltric replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah! No problem. Like it side, it's eerily lacking, but tell me what you'd like me to add and I'll do it!
katz515 replied on at Permalink Reply

I am a TextMate user as well.

If you own a Dreamwever, take a look at my Dreamweaver extension for concrete5.


You can take a look at the list of snippets that you could copy and paste.
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply