the external form controller is not in my concrete5

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I created a single pages in the /blocks/external_form/forms/myform.php

<form method="post" action="<?php echo $this->action('search_user')?>">
<?php echo $form->submit('submit', t('Submit >'))?>

when click the submit button call the search_user function in the controller and print hello the following code in controller

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
class SignInExternalFormBlockController extends BlockController { 
   public function search_user() {
      echo 'hello';

when i click the submit is no action...
any one suggestion me what i did wrong... thanks in advance


shankumars replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
i found the answer my self...
just add the 'action' in the controller method .. it will work

public function action_search_user() {
          echo 'i am working';
