Theme not appearing in "Themes Available to Install" area

So I made a theme, just like I've done before. It's in a folder in the /themes directory and has a view.php, default.php, description.txt, and thumbnail.png. The strange thing is that when I go to install, it just doesn't appear in the "Themes Available to Install" area like usual on the Themes dashboard page.

And this is after having installed it without a hitch on my local c5 testing site (MAMP). But when I upload it to the server, it's like concrete5 doesn't even see the new theme.

Anyone run into this before? I'm on 5.5.1, about to update to to see if that helps.

Things I've tried so far:

- Deleting the theme from the server and re-uploading it.
- Changing the name of the theme.
- Clearing the c5 cache.
- Waiting a day (my favorite technique).
- Trying the install from a different admin user.

Another strange thing is that, appearing in the "Themes Available to Install" section is another theme I started and never finished, which appears as (No Name) (No Description). I have since added a description.txt file, but the Themes dashboard page is again not picking up on this.

Any suggestions would be great!

Benji replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Nevermind, this is ridiculous, but turns out Joyent shared hosting migrated me back to TextDrive. So I'm publishing to the wrong server now.