5.6.1 - This is exciting news!
Wow, i just installed that beta and I'm experiencing an impressiv increase of performance! I'm curious how that version will perform with a lot of content and add-ons installed, but what i'm seeing so far is amazing, amazing, amazing!
A big THANK YOU for finally addressing that old performance issue on cheap hosts in depth! While i always loved that sexy CMS, the lack of performance has always been a drawback for me. Looks like these days are gone!!
Could add-ons actually reduce the gained performance dramatically? Will they have to get updated to work nicely with version 5.6.1?
Thank you,
A big THANK YOU for finally addressing that old performance issue on cheap hosts in depth! While i always loved that sexy CMS, the lack of performance has always been a drawback for me. Looks like these days are gone!!
Could add-ons actually reduce the gained performance dramatically? Will they have to get updated to work nicely with version 5.6.1?
Thank you,
That is very very good news to hear. Add-ons won't have to be updated to take advantage of these new performance improvements.
Hi Andrew,
I second okappi on this. Just recently updated and tested on live sites (dedicated and shared servers) and still no glitches thru extract .zip files in updates folder > dashboard > update c5.
Hands up and another BIG THANK YOU to you and the entire c5 DEV team for this much "craved" solution for non-techie guys/gals like us, and can't wait what will be in stored for the upcoming full release.
As far as blocks and add-on goes, since we're using much of the core blocks overrides and several add-ons, non yet have reacted strangely (keeping fingers crossed).
The only issue, the blog** add-on which is non compatible since 5.6.02 and it's possible about time we're putting to rest (due to errors rss, and function calls etc.)
Thanks again guys for the clever works in beefing-up c5 as it was supposed to be, liked explained (Totally Random - Jan) you guys are the true "OpenSourcerers"....! 2013 and forward will be above awesome-ness...
I second okappi on this. Just recently updated and tested on live sites (dedicated and shared servers) and still no glitches thru extract .zip files in updates folder > dashboard > update c5.
Hands up and another BIG THANK YOU to you and the entire c5 DEV team for this much "craved" solution for non-techie guys/gals like us, and can't wait what will be in stored for the upcoming full release.
As far as blocks and add-on goes, since we're using much of the core blocks overrides and several add-ons, non yet have reacted strangely (keeping fingers crossed).
The only issue, the blog** add-on which is non compatible since 5.6.02 and it's possible about time we're putting to rest (due to errors rss, and function calls etc.)
Thanks again guys for the clever works in beefing-up c5 as it was supposed to be, liked explained (Totally Random - Jan) you guys are the true "OpenSourcerers"....! 2013 and forward will be above awesome-ness...