This is really a git question…

but maybe one of you knows the answer, as this seems like it could be a common problem.

After I clone the c57 repo, I go into applications/blooks and applications/themes and do my thing. Now I want to push those changes to another repo.

The obvious problem with this is if I do a pull from the c57 repo, those same dirs, blocks and themes, with are empty on the c57 repo, will collide with me stuff in those same dirs.

What I have done is rename the applications/blocks|themes dir and clone my my own repo that has the blocks and theme code we use. So now my update looks like this

cd ~/sites/web/applications
mv blocks blocks.MINE
mv themes themes.MINE
mv blocks.ORG blocks
mv themes.ORG themes
git pull
mv blocks blocks.ORG
mv themes themes.ORG
mv blocks.MINE themes
mv themes.MINE themes

It’s kludgy, yes… but don’t know the ‘right’ way to do it.

I tried symlinks, but that broke everything as is seems in concrete the symlink resolved to the source path, which is not good.

I tried using

git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter web/application/blocks  -- --all
git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter web/application/themes  -- --all

and numerous variations of the above, to isolate those dirs so there would be no collision… but these commands just ended up deleting every empty subdir :(

So, the questions is: how does one pull from one repo and commit to another?

Thanks all
