timesince() difficulties

timeSince() doesn't appear to be working for me. What should be something around 30 minutes comes back as 12/31/1969. Essentially,

$myDate = time(); // <-  at a previous moment;
$elapsedTime = timeSince($myDate,1);

I know it can be mathematically done, but I thought this was a great function to have at the ready. Any thoughts where I might be missing this?

Ricalsin replied on at Permalink Reply
For those seeing this: Understanding the difference between a numerical timestamp in milliseconds and a converted timestamp into a string of seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years is where the solution lies. Read the time functions at php.net. I was unable to get this C5 function to work for me. But there are several other means of traditional solutions - once you understand the difference between numbers and strings in dealing with time.
kranthikumar replied on at Permalink Reply
If you given values then u can get this output.

$dateOfMyPost = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")-1, date("Y"));

echo $r = $date->timeSince($dateOfMyPost, 1);

OUTPUT : 2 days, 9 hours
Thank you,
kranthi kumar pulivarthy.