Timestamp on Blog Entry - ProEvents/ProNews Link

I am using both ProvEvents and ProNews and have encountered a little problem.

When I click on an an item in ProEvents the timestamp is wrong. The date is the following day and the time is always 12.00 AM.
For example I created 'test event1' on June 29th at 7.25pm. When I publish the event the timestamp on the blog entry reads June 30, 2013 at 12:00 AM.

There is no issue with ProNews. It displays the correct timestamp.

So why does the blog entry timestamp work for ProNews but not ProEvents?

McCormick replied on at Permalink Reply
I'd have to buy the block to see the details to take a crack at this one. I suggest you shoot a note to the block's developer, RadiantWeb. The cost of the block includes support, which has a response time of a half-day, according to the add-on's page.
