Incorrect Timestamp on Blog Entry
I am using both ProvEvents and ProNews and have encountered a little problem on my blog entry page.
The problem can be seen at:
When I click on an an item in ProEvents the timestamp is wrong. The date is the following day and the time is always 12.00 AM.
For example I created 'test event1' on June 29th at 7.25pm. When I publish the event the timestamp on the blog entry reads June 30, 2013 at 12:00 AM.
There is no issue with ProNews. It displays the correct timestamp.
So why does the blog entry timestamp work for ProNews but not ProEvents?
I would quite like to remove the bold timestamp heading from the main area of the blog entry, but keep it in the footer area of page.
If anyone can advise it would make me very happy!
The problem can be seen at:
When I click on an an item in ProEvents the timestamp is wrong. The date is the following day and the time is always 12.00 AM.
For example I created 'test event1' on June 29th at 7.25pm. When I publish the event the timestamp on the blog entry reads June 30, 2013 at 12:00 AM.
There is no issue with ProNews. It displays the correct timestamp.
So why does the blog entry timestamp work for ProNews but not ProEvents?
I would quite like to remove the bold timestamp heading from the main area of the blog entry, but keep it in the footer area of page.
If anyone can advise it would make me very happy!

does it display the wrong time and date to guests but looks ok when logged in ??
No... timestamp is wrong whether I'm logged in or out :(
Hmmm. I only use ProBlog. I had an issue once where the timestamp on blog posts was displaying the "12am" glitch only when the user viewing was not logged in. I reported it in the support forum for ProBlog and it was fixed!! I suggest you do the same!!
OK will do. Thanks!
I believe the problem is you're using a page_type from the core install that is designed for blogging. You should be using a standard page_type, not blog_entry for events. Post an event again, but instead use right or left sidebar. Or perhaps make a custom page_type for events. But do not use the blog_entry. That page_type has a special controller file that is designed for specific attributes.
Also, as stated, it's always best to get support in the products "support" area.
Also, as stated, it's always best to get support in the products "support" area.