TinyMCE and images paths problems

Hello, Im trying to make lightbox functionality for images on my website. I've almost done everything i need, but within the file ccm.app.js there is a code line which gives html markup for images which were inserted into content by TinyMCE. I need to change this so by default all images will be related with lightbox (in my case - colorbox plugin).

So i changed default link markup:
<img id="__mce_tmp" src="javascript:;" />

to :
<a href="'+t.filePath+'" rel="lb_image"><img id="__mce_tmp" src="javascript:;" /></a>

the problem is that function t.filePath returns link like
<a href="/powerkites/index.php/download_file/view_inline/449/" rel="lb_image"><img id="__mce_tmp" src="javascript:;" /></a>

and i need link like:
<a href="/files/7013/5836/1964/scout2_snow.jpg" rel="lb_image"><img id="__mce_tmp" src="javascript:;" /></a>

to make all things working properly. how can i achive this ? i think there is some kind of smart solution ;]

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
You'd have to overwrite the content block controller. Not something I recommend to do.

Have you tried to get your lightbox working without changing the file path?