TinyMCE not working in dialog window

Hello all,

I need some help! I am working on building a dashboard page. I have an edit button on the page and when you click on it, it opens up a dialog box. I have a textarea in there that uses a TinyMCE editor. The TinyMCE editor always shows up, but you can only actually click the buttons and type on it in Internet Explorer (crazy, right?!). If I take the same text area out of the div that that the dialog window is calling, then it works perfectly in all browsers. Any idea what is causing this? Any ideas on how to fix it/get around it?

I would appreciate any help anyone can give. Thank you!


rsmitty replied on at Permalink Reply
I figured it out! I was calling the TinyMCE javascript code on load. I changed it so that it was called in the same function that opens the dialog window and POOF it worked.