TinyMCE Paragraph Selector is Offset Incorrectly

Has anyone else experienced the paragraph submenu in the TinyMCE editor is offset in the vertical direction when you've scrolled down on the page? It appears below where it should. Looks like it's fixed positioned, which I don't think can work if you're scrolling the page.

hereNT replied on at Permalink Reply
All the tinymce menus show up in weird places for me, I always assumed it was because I use Firefox under 64 bit ubuntu and something was buggy. A fix for it would be greatly appreciated.
blakeage replied on at Permalink Reply
Note, this is happening when I put the editor on a custom page (a form in a package I'm building), not when it is residing in the normal Content block dialog. I don't think it was intended to reside on a page, so I'm thinking a hack may be in order : /
hereNT replied on at Permalink Reply
Mine happens with the content block in a popup but not when it's displayed on a page, at least I haven't seen it when displaying on a page.
blakeage replied on at Permalink Reply
We updated to Concrete version and it's fixed.