Todays Date Display

I am trying to figure out a way of displaying the current date and maybe the time as well. Has anyone found a way to do this? If so I would greatly appreciate a quick walkthrough of how to go about doing it. I'm pretty new to C5 and CMS so any help would be great.

kirkroberts replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you okay with diving into some code?

If so, this page tells you all about how to do it in PHP:
It's really pretty simple, and there are lots of formatting choices.

echo date("F j, Y, g:i a"); // March 10, 2001, 5:16 pm

You could install the PHP block (look in the marketplace) and insert one line of code and be done.
glockops replied on at Permalink Reply
Here's the link to the PHP Block -

That would be the absolute easiest way of displaying the current date and time.

If your webserver is in a different timezone you need to do a little adjustment to the time - just let us know if you need help with that.