Tools directory cant load certain classes

We moved our project to a new server.
Its all working fine, the whole dashboard is working fine.
htaccess is working.

But, when I do a ajax call to the tools directory (for example) /tools/mapdata/user

in the user.php the class Loader isnt found, the class User isnt found.
so on every url inside the tools dir, I am getting a 500 internal server error.

Anyone know what kind of server settings could cause this ?

ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
Check your tools folder permission.

nielsb85 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Rony,

I have changed them all to 777 now, but I still get the same problem.
Also if I add the
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");

I will get an access denied msg. While on the other server, I didnt.
Somehow its not loading everything if I go trough the tools directory on the new server.
ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
Not sure but you could have a try, just create a new directory and put the Ajax page there and call it from there. Then check whether the same problem exists. If so then you might need to contact your hosting provider.

nielsb85 replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hi Rony,

I just found the problem.
On our own server I could use /tools/mapdata/user

On this server (even with the htaccess) I have to use /index.php/tools/mapdata/user.

Now its working :)