Total Views per Page

How would one get a list of total views per page?

I'd like to add support to the page list block to sort pages by number of views (during the last X hours).

I figure all I need to do is check the 'pagestatistics' table, but I'm not aware of the API to do so.

Any thoughts?

ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply
There isn't a function at least in the statistics model that shows a page views using a cID as the parameter. You can grab by date (duh) but not by cID.

Fortunately, the cID is registered as a column and logged if stats are enabled so you can just grab a count based on the cID.

You can view models/page_statistics for the correct sort of query.


p.s. I also know Tony wants to bring his statistical tracking to concrete5 eventually, will be sweet when that happens :)