touch(): Unable to create file C:\home\...\...\...\... because Permission denied

touch(): Unable to create file C:\home\site\wwwroot/application/files/cache\0fea6a13c52b4d47\25368f24b045ca84\38a865804f8fdcb6\57cd99682e939275\2ddb27c5cdf0b672\745d4c64665be841\e5498b2038aa5db6\792baea0889bd099.php because Permission denied

I am getting this error and literally have no idea how to fix. I have been trying to fix it through calling Gearhost (Where I host the site) and submitting tickets through them.

Has anyone else dealt with this "permissions" issue? is the URL.

If you actually get the home page, just click a different tab in the nav and try to go back to the home page and you'll get the error.

ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
Concerning the hosting provider, do you have the ability to view permissions on your files and folders?
The touch command 'touches' a file. If the file doesn't exist it makes one. A good way to just make a blank file via the command line. So if your getting permission denied, its basically saying you don't have permissions to create files in that directory. Per installation instructions, application/files should be writable by the apache user. When hosting on a VPS, usually this is done by giving ownership of the 'files' folder to the www-data user and group.