Trouble building new page type
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Hey guys and gals,
I'm very new to concrete5, and am trying to set up a custom page type with the theme acromin5. What I'm trying to accomplish is a single column page type to use throughout the the site, without the sidebar thats in the default .php. I did some haphazard editing of the default.php and renamed it, copying it into the themes directory. I then uploaded the entire theme via ftp to my theme directory for the sight ( Unfortunately, nothing shows up in my page and themes section on my dash board and updates, and any attempts I have made at setting up a template to use the same name for the handle of the page type have been to no avail.
I used the virtual download of the theme from the c5 market place to get the sight going and thats still showing up in my dash board. Do I have to get rid of the virtual download before C5 will read the one i have set in my hosted directory. This would be worrisome as its not a great time to have the site going down and is hate to have to redo the design. Perhaps its as simple as renaming the uploaded theme? Iv been trying all the tricks I can think of and any help would be HUGELY appreciated.
Iv also attached a copy of my edited .php (nosidebar.php) if anyone is willing, to preemptively take a look at it for me. I'm rather certain that even once im able to get it set as a page type and uploaded, that it will have its own problems. Thanks so much!
I'm very new to concrete5, and am trying to set up a custom page type with the theme acromin5. What I'm trying to accomplish is a single column page type to use throughout the the site, without the sidebar thats in the default .php. I did some haphazard editing of the default.php and renamed it, copying it into the themes directory. I then uploaded the entire theme via ftp to my theme directory for the sight ( Unfortunately, nothing shows up in my page and themes section on my dash board and updates, and any attempts I have made at setting up a template to use the same name for the handle of the page type have been to no avail.
I used the virtual download of the theme from the c5 market place to get the sight going and thats still showing up in my dash board. Do I have to get rid of the virtual download before C5 will read the one i have set in my hosted directory. This would be worrisome as its not a great time to have the site going down and is hate to have to redo the design. Perhaps its as simple as renaming the uploaded theme? Iv been trying all the tricks I can think of and any help would be HUGELY appreciated.
Iv also attached a copy of my edited .php (nosidebar.php) if anyone is willing, to preemptively take a look at it for me. I'm rather certain that even once im able to get it set as a page type and uploaded, that it will have its own problems. Thanks so much!
Also your page looks like this:
because you sent an rtf. Make it plain text.
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf949\cocoasubrtf540 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs24 \cf0 <?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied."); \ $this->inc('elements/header.php'); ?>\ \ <div id="container">\ <div id="posts">\ <?php \ \ if ($c->isEditMode()) \{ ?>\ <div class="post">\ <?php \}\
Viewing 15 lines of 27 lines. View entire code block.
because you sent an rtf. Make it plain text.
Hey Steve,
Thanks so much! Your video was super helpful and my phps are now being pulled from my database onto the theme properties just as your video showed. I used the rtf because it wasnt allowing me to attach a php for some reason. It seems it just throws a bunch of forward slashes in there...
I was wondering if while I have your ear I might ask you a few more questions? That code I sent you gets rid of the sidebar allright but but id like for the single column to extend to the full width of the page. Is that a tricky thing to do?
The other immanent issue I'v been frustrated by is that when I use the custom templates in these blocks, they lose all of their formatting for some reason? I lose the white back ground as well as all the preloaded inputs for the text and headers and so forth. Is that something thats easily addressed or is that a bit more complex? Its terribly frustrating b/c as far as I can tell templates are the only thing that really gives a newbie like me any control of positioning within the content blocks.
I can't thank you enough, this stuff makes puts me outa my gourd :)
Thanks so much! Your video was super helpful and my phps are now being pulled from my database onto the theme properties just as your video showed. I used the rtf because it wasnt allowing me to attach a php for some reason. It seems it just throws a bunch of forward slashes in there...
I was wondering if while I have your ear I might ask you a few more questions? That code I sent you gets rid of the sidebar allright but but id like for the single column to extend to the full width of the page. Is that a tricky thing to do?
The other immanent issue I'v been frustrated by is that when I use the custom templates in these blocks, they lose all of their formatting for some reason? I lose the white back ground as well as all the preloaded inputs for the text and headers and so forth. Is that something thats easily addressed or is that a bit more complex? Its terribly frustrating b/c as far as I can tell templates are the only thing that really gives a newbie like me any control of positioning within the content blocks.
I can't thank you enough, this stuff makes puts me outa my gourd :)
I sent you a PM to continue this via email as we are getting off topic.