Trouble Customizing securimage.php
I have been getting tons of spam that is getting through forms on one of my Concrete5 sites - even with Captcha turned on (over 40 messages in the last 8 hours). I want to try to tweak the settings in concrete/libraries/3rdparty/securimage/securimage.php to make whatever they are doing to work my forms more difficult, by making the letters closer together, add additional characters and so forth.
Trouble is, updates to the file aren't doing anything to the actual captcha image.
I initially duped the file from concrete/libraries/3rdparty/securimage/securimage.php to libraries/3rdparty/securimage/securimage.php, as is the norm, and wasn't getting any effect - so as a trial I edited the concrete file itself - to no effect. So I renamed the secureimage directory - thinking I would see if I could break it - again no luck.
The site isn't using cacheing - but I even tried turning it on, and clearing the cache, turning it off - nothing.
Any thoughts? this is driving me bananas.
Trouble is, updates to the file aren't doing anything to the actual captcha image.
I initially duped the file from concrete/libraries/3rdparty/securimage/securimage.php to libraries/3rdparty/securimage/securimage.php, as is the norm, and wasn't getting any effect - so as a trial I edited the concrete file itself - to no effect. So I renamed the secureimage directory - thinking I would see if I could break it - again no luck.
The site isn't using cacheing - but I even tried turning it on, and clearing the cache, turning it off - nothing.
Any thoughts? this is driving me bananas.