Try and Buy or Standard and Pro versions

Hello, Community

I do miss the option to try a theme or plugin.
Dev. could'n you choose for a standard version that can be upgraded to a Pro version option.
I did see this option with other CMS's.

AliceTtr replied on at Permalink Reply
No, replies!

Must be to difficult to the programmers for themes and plugins.
Are they so basic with there code!

Imagine a fantastic theme, that can be downloaded for free.
There are some great options for the theme!
When you buy the Pro version.
Would that not have the sales go up, and the 7 free themes for the new concrete5 version looks a little pour. This will boost concrete5 to a higher level. Same for the plugins.
Maybe reconsider a extra options in the API.
ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi AliceTtr,

Thanks for your suggestion. I like the idea and I've heard other dev's talking about this in the developer area of the forums. It's something that will hopefully start to catch on.