Turn off image compression


I tried to turn off the default image compression with the following setting in my config/site.php:


I thought, this would turn off the image compression completely and images would be shown in their original size.

Instead, the image size increases:
If I upload an 122 KB JPEG and use it in the Nivo Slider for example, the image size increases to 247 KB. That's pretty weird!

Has anybody experienced the same behavior? Does anybody know how to turn off the image compression completely?

Thanks a lot!

okapi replied on at Permalink Reply
This thread is already 2 years old, but i'm still experiencing the same problem.
The value in the above code line, set to 100, significantly increases the file size, which indicates that the image has got resampled at 100%, while actually i would like to avoid resampling completely.
The cached image file should just be a copy of the original, without being touched by any algorithm.

Is there a way to achieve that?

Thank you,
okapi replied on at Permalink Reply
There's one gallery - Jordan's "Deluxe Image Gallery" - that provides the option to load the original image files instead of the cached (resampled) ones. Just set the value of "Zoomed Width" and "Zoomed Height" to "0" or leave it blank.

Abigail111 replied on at Permalink Reply
HI there
I have never thried to turn off the image compression founction.Because i usually do the image compression using this image program:
It can work well.
But i also want to know how to turn off the image compression.Thanks a lot.
okapi replied on at Permalink Reply
It is my aim to preserve the original image quality of the uploaded image, therefore to avoid any resampling by concrete5, respectively by concrete5 add-ons.