Twitter Streaming API, I mean

My bad. I'm new.

How do I hook up the Twitter Streaming API to my site?

What I want: To use the Twitter Streaming API to aggregate tweets that are filtered by keywords and pulled in real-time to my site.

This would be on the back-end.

Thank you very much in advance.

jaredquinn replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Did you take a look at the search block?

Does this do what you're after?

If not, what other features are you looking for?
McCormick replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, jaredquinn. Twitter Search is a fine tool but it's unorganized, slow and simple. I'd like to build the Twitter Streaming API because it will be fun, completely customizable and well worth my while. Much thanks for the reply, jaredquinn.
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
Take a look at the blocks in the core and mp