two auto navigations

Hey there,

first i like to thank you for such a great cms!
i like to ask how i can put under my first auto-nav (default theme) another second auto-nav like a sub navigation?
or is it not possible to have two different auto nav?
How can i on mouse over change the color of the auto nav?

thank you so much!

sniggitysnax replied on at Permalink Reply
You can indeed have 2 auto-nav blocks. What you're going to do is specify which pages you want to show up in your auto-nav when you add the block. I'm guessing the "sub-nav" will be 2nd or 3rd level pages and your first auto-nav will be top level pages. Either way, you will select which pages to show up in each when you add them.
In order to add hover effects to your auto-nav, you can simply add css selectors such as
ul.nav li a:hover{color: #131389;text-decoration: none;}
simily9 replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks for the hints...
just one more question:
i just entered the second auto nav. but i can not get it in the center of my header block.
i just can´t find the right css code...
Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
As long as its already in the block, you may want to set it from the front end by selecting "Design" when choosing to edit it. Select "alignment" under the Font tab of the editor
simily9 replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks again...
first it didn´t work. the i went throught my main.css file and got rid of a few things i just put in before... so now it works perfectly!
thanks for the fast and good help!