Unable to connect to database.
Hi, I didn't selected the Installation help, because it's not.
Please help, all of my Concrete5 just stopped responding giving the message
Unable to connect to database.
A database error occurred while processing this request.
All of them were created a while ago and I didn't do anything in a several weeks. And today it just stopped. It happened to 4 of 10 c5 websites ? I do know where to start and what happened?
Please help..
Thank You.
Please help, all of my Concrete5 just stopped responding giving the message
Unable to connect to database.
A database error occurred while processing this request.
All of them were created a while ago and I didn't do anything in a several weeks. And today it just stopped. It happened to 4 of 10 c5 websites ? I do know where to start and what happened?
Please help..
Thank You.

Please check the database details of SITE_ROOT/config/site.php
I've checked it before posting. I'm a noob, but not so.... :)
Found the problem, something very strange happened, somehow the access to the server ip was changed, not sure how did that could happen, but I've fixed it... Nonsence..>!!
Found the problem, something very strange happened, somehow the access to the server ip was changed, not sure how did that could happen, but I've fixed it... Nonsence..>!!