Uncaught exception duplicate key 1 for primary ADODB
I'm building a package for C5. I was using an auto-increment primary key 'eID' in the database. ADODB falls down with auto-increment though, so I wrote a small function to handle that.
Now, ADODB tries to INSERT a new record when it should UPDATE one.
My save() function calls...
Can anyone help? PS, I've looked extensively at the C5 forums and found these answers, but they did not solve the problem:
My primary key structure looks like this:
`eID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
How can I tell ADODB to UPDATE, not INSERT. Any help is soooo appreciated, thanks!
I'm building a package for C5. I was using an auto-increment primary key 'eID' in the database. ADODB falls down with auto-increment though, so I wrote a small function to handle that.
Now, ADODB tries to INSERT a new record when it should UPDATE one.
My save() function calls...
Can anyone help? PS, I've looked extensively at the C5 forums and found these answers, but they did not solve the problem:
My primary key structure looks like this:
`eID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
How can I tell ADODB to UPDATE, not INSERT. Any help is soooo appreciated, thanks!
1. I removed all the auto-incrementing from the database. C5 creates a new instance of a block on `UPDATE` so ADODB will actually perform an INSERT with a new bID (ie: a new version of that block).
2. I set the bID as the primary key and eID as an int(11) field, unsigned null.
3. I created a simple function in the controller to do the heavy lifting. In the controller:
4. In the add.php and edit.php files, we call the function like so:
5. Done.
On `add` we get a new random number generated and on `edit`, the eID is retrieved from the DB.
It has to be said this could theoretically be done another way, as JordanLev has pointed out to me. Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work that way, but feel free to check out the train of events here:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12382362/php-concrete-5-pass-var...
I hope that helps someone out there.