Update to font awesome 4.3.0
Hi everybody, I want to use some of the new icons in font awesome 4.3 to show in the featured blocks. Is there an easy way to update to the newest version? I would need some of the new icons for a site ....
Or is it enough to overwrite the fontawesome.css in the core?
Or is it enough to overwrite the fontawesome.css in the core?
In your theme folder you should have a file that is called page_theme.php
In there you should have a function call like this:
If you change this to:
And then simply load font-awesome directly in your theme.
In your theme folder you should have a file that is called page_theme.php
In there you should have a function call like this:
public function registerAssets() { ..... ..... $this->requireAsset('css', 'font-awesome'); ..... ..... }
If you change this to:
public function registerAssets() { ..... ..... $this->providesAsset('css', 'font-awesome'); ..... ..... }
And then simply load font-awesome directly in your theme.
Hi, all,
I ask me about the original awesome folder...:
In it, we have 4 folders (css, font, less, scss)
I done a css folder in my personnal theme, and put in this the 4 folders, but my source code of my page still show use of font-awesome 4.2...
Can somebody explain precisely the destination folder to do overwriting operationnal ?
I ask me about the original awesome folder...:
In it, we have 4 folders (css, font, less, scss)
I done a css folder in my personnal theme, and put in this the 4 folders, but my source code of my page still show use of font-awesome 4.2...
Can somebody explain precisely the destination folder to do overwriting operationnal ?
That OKI now (y) !
I understood just now that call of css or js are needed in html template, with providesAsset() in page-theme.php...
Subject closed 4 me...
I understood just now that call of css or js are needed in html template, with providesAsset() in page-theme.php...
Subject closed 4 me...
After reflection, Subject not closed...
I remember what I done;
In my page_theme.php, I just put:
So, only my /my_theme/element/header_top.php work:
I don't need to have the font-awesome 4.2 and the 4.3 in same time...
I see all is well and in my template (header or footer), i can use the new icons of version 4.3 (y) !
But, if I try to use them in a block, i will use block/feature...
And in this block, the system goes on and use only version 4.2...
Note that in the controller of this block, we can see:
So, I copy all blocks/feature of concrete/ in application/ to overwrite it...
In this block, in controller.php, methods registerViewAssets and edit, we can find:
$this->requireAsset( 'css', 'font-awesome' );
That can explain the c5.7 always use font-awesome he knows (version 4.2) and no my font-awesome I put in my: my_theme/css/
Then, I wanted to change requireAsset with providesAsset() for this font-awesome...
But the script explain he can't
Note that I wrote after ma new "namespace Application\Block\Feature;" and after the other uses:
How to do my overwited block feature to able to use my font-awesome of my theme/css ?
Thanks if someone could understand my explaination and solve this trouble...
I remember what I done;
In my page_theme.php, I just put:
$this->providesAsset( 'css', 'font-awesome' );
So, only my /my_theme/element/header_top.php work:
<?php echo $html->css( $view->getStylesheet( 'font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css' ) ) ?>
I don't need to have the font-awesome 4.2 and the 4.3 in same time...
I see all is well and in my template (header or footer), i can use the new icons of version 4.3 (y) !
But, if I try to use them in a block, i will use block/feature...
And in this block, the system goes on and use only version 4.2...
Note that in the controller of this block, we can see:
$iconLessFile = DIR_BASE_CORE . '/css/build/vendor/font-awesome/variables.less';
So, I copy all blocks/feature of concrete/ in application/ to overwrite it...
In this block, in controller.php, methods registerViewAssets and edit, we can find:
$this->requireAsset( 'css', 'font-awesome' );
That can explain the c5.7 always use font-awesome he knows (version 4.2) and no my font-awesome I put in my: my_theme/css/
Then, I wanted to change requireAsset with providesAsset() for this font-awesome...
But the script explain he can't
Note that I wrote after ma new "namespace Application\Block\Feature;" and after the other uses:
use Application\Theme\my_theme;
How to do my overwited block feature to able to use my font-awesome of my theme/css ?
Thanks if someone could understand my explaination and solve this trouble...
and add your new font-awesome css in there and make sure it is named:
If it works you'll just be overriding the file in the /concrete/css directory. Like I said I haven't tried this but I have used the same method to override some of the core javascripts and it worked.