Updating concrete5
PermalinkThe following errors occurred when attempting to process your request:
"The directory /home/sitename/public_html/updates/concrete5.5.2.1 already exists. Perhaps this item has already been installed."
It's trying to download version and when I look via FTP there is a folder named concrete5.5.2.1 in the Updates folder.
I've read that I can't manually remove this as there's C5 core stuff in there, is that correct?
That leaves me in a bit of a pickle as I now can't move on. I would be very grateful if anyone could point me in the right direction. Thanks for any help.
So if your site is still running concrete5.4.2.2, then deleting public_html/updates/concrete5.5.2.1/ shouldn't harm anything. If you want to be safe, try moving the folder or renaming it (instead of deleting it) so you can easily put it back in place if you've overlooked something (and it turns out that your site is actually using those core files).
If you can open public_html/config/site.php in a text editor, you can look for a line that looks like this:
This tells your site to look for a specific version of the concrete5 core in the updates directory. That can shed some light on what version of concrete5 your site is using, even if you can't access the Dashboard.
Generally your site would not prompt you to download again if that folder was already in your updates directory, but perhaps the first download got interrupted?