Upgrade from 8.3.2 to 8.5.2 fails using CLI

Firstly the CLI must be used as PHP 7.3 isn't supported by 8.3.2 (get the continue/break fatal error with V7.3) so to upgrade is being done following the CLI instructions athttps://documentation.concrete5.org/developers/introduction/installa...

The upgrade initally ran several migrations using the command
# php7.2 concrete/bin/concrete5 c5:update

But fails to complete (when re-run, also) with:
There is no table with name 'mydatabasename.togeventexpresssearchindexattributes' in the schema.

Again, Express is proving an obstacle to upgrading (it has several times in the past, too). Obviously mydatabasename has been substituted for the real client db name here.

The site no longer functions, also throwing to the browser:
There is no table with name 'mydatabasename.togeventexpresssearchindexattributes' in the schema.

I have backups of the whole site dir and db, that's not an issue, the self-destructing upgrade is.

How to fix this? The site will need to run on PHP7.3 and (another total can of worms due to table names not being enclosed in `` marks in the core) MySQL V8.

Over the last year C5 is increasingly looking like the wrong solution for anything but the most basic projects going forward which is a shame as I've been an advocate since early V5.

Failure output is:
** Executing migration: 20180926070300
Fixing attribute index table FileSearchIndexAttributes...
Fixing attribute index table CollectionSearchIndexAttributes...
Fixing attribute index table SiteSearchIndexAttributes...
Fixing attribute index table UserSearchIndexAttributes...
Fixing express index table for FAQ...
Fixing attribute index table FaqExpressSearchIndexAttributes...
Fixing express index table for Home Hero Image...
Fixing attribute index table HomeheroimageExpressSearchIndexAttributes...
Fixing express index table for Event...
In SchemaException.php line 43:
  There is no table with name 'mydatabasename.togeventexpresssearchindexattributes' in the schema.  
c5:update [--env ENV] [--allow-as-root] [--rerun] [-a|--after AFTER] [-s|--since SINCE]

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Is this by chance using a windows machine? There are some settings needed to fix camel cased table names in windows here is an older discussion about the topic
