Upgrade to issues: empty ccm toolbar, empty dashboard, intelligent search not working
I am trying to upgrade a site from version 5.5.1. I first upgraded to, which looks fine. When I tried upgrading from to, I have encountered a couple of issues as below.
1) When I log in as admin, CCM toolbar is displayed but the dashboard is empty. Also the intelligent search does not work. If I enter direct urls to go to the dashboard features, they don't work such as:
Firebug console is giving me this error:
2) When I go to the website's home page or any other page, the ccm toolbar appears but is empty.
Firebug console is giving this error:
More detail on the above error is something like this:
I'm not sure how to resolve these. Apart from this, all the content pages within the site seem to be working fine. There will be some upgrades necessary for some of the addons and whether that is going to introduce issues is yet to be tested.
1) When I log in as admin, CCM toolbar is displayed but the dashboard is empty. Also the intelligent search does not work. If I enter direct urls to go to the dashboard features, they don't work such as:
http://localhost/mysite/index.php/dashboard/system/optimization/clear_cache/ http://localhost/mysite/index.php/dashboard/extend/install/
Firebug console is giving me this error:
ReferenceError: ccm_dashboardRequestRemoteInformation is not defined [Break On This Error] $(function() {ccm_dashboardRequestRemoteInformation(); dashboard (line 33)
2) When I go to the website's home page or any other page, the ccm toolbar appears but is empty.
Firebug console is giving this error:
SyntaxError: unterminated string literal [Break On This Error] menuHTML += '<br /> page_c...4656853 (line 32, col 12)
More detail on the above error is something like this:
menuHTML += '<br /> <b>Fatal error</b>: Call to undefined method SiteConcreteDashboardHelper::addQuickNavToMenus() in <b>C:\Program Files\xampp1.7.7\htdocs\mysite\updates\concrete5.6.0.2\concrete\tools\page_controls_menu_js.php</b> on line <b>105</b><br />
I'm not sure how to resolve these. Apart from this, all the content pages within the site seem to be working fine. There will be some upgrades necessary for some of the addons and whether that is going to introduce issues is yet to be tested.

Try to rerun the upgrade script by going to 'yourdomain.com/index.html/tools/upgrade'
Yes I already tried that. It doesn't work.
Does anyone have a resolution to this issue? I have the same problem and this is preventing the use of this tool. I also lose my dashboard and edit view (the bar is there but empty with nothing to click on) upon doing any publish to a page. Should publish never be used? This is my first day trying to use this CMS.