Upgrading to Concrete 4.0
I tried upgrading and did everything on this pagehttp://www.concrete5.org/help/building_with_concrete5/installation/... but i keep getting the error
Fatal error: Zend_Cache::require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'Zend/Cache/Backend/File.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/home/php') in /concrete/libraries/3rdparty/Zend/Cache.php on line 132
looks like you're probably just missing a file.
tony, any idea what file. I was using the latest version of concrete then just replaced that folder with the new concrete 4 folder.
try reuploading /concrete/libraries/3rdparty/zend
but if some of those are missing, then you may just want to reupload the entire core just to make sure.
if that doesn't do it, then it could be a permissions issue. make sure all those files are at readable and executable by the server
but if some of those are missing, then you may just want to reupload the entire core just to make sure.
if that doesn't do it, then it could be a permissions issue. make sure all those files are at readable and executable by the server
ive tried that but no such luck. Anyone else running into this problem?
ive uploaded the same exact package that I downloaded from concrete5, so you tell me what files I'm missing.
Has the cache been enabled before upgrading?
If you have access to the database try to set the Flag ENABLE_CACHE in CACHE table to 0 and clean the cache directory in files/cache via ftp.
If you have access to the database try to set the Flag ENABLE_CACHE in CACHE table to 0 and clean the cache directory in files/cache via ftp.
I agree with Tony. Can you verify that the directory you're uploading contains the file:
Is it possible that the FTP client in question is not uploading files a certain level deep?
Is it possible that the FTP client in question is not uploading files a certain level deep?
that file doesn't exist in the zip.
There is File.php in both
but none in the Cache dir itself.
There is File.php in both
but none in the Cache dir itself.
some one else was having this problem as wel