Uploaded images to display title and username

Hi everyone!

I'm doing up private image galleries for each group, and I've managed to find a way for people to upload an image to a gallery and have it show up on the page. All I need now is for the image to also show the title of the image, and also the user who uploaded the image.

Does anyone know if there is an add-on or a workaround to achieve this?

Thanks so much in advance!

LucasAnderson replied on at Permalink Reply
gnyma replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Lucas,

Thanks for your reply! I've checked - but it doesn't allow for front-end user upload, which was what I was going for. :(
LucasAnderson replied on at Permalink Reply
The addon was meant to give you access to display attributes of the images you are allowing your visitors to upload (since you said you already found a way to do that). You'll need to figure out how to set those file/image attributes when they upload, but that addon can take care of displaying them.

That's the only addon I know of that would not require you to do heavy custom coding to achieve your goal.