Uploading to file manager

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I am new to community and am creating a website but am having issues with simple tasks such as uploading a picture or a mp3 file.

Can I upload .jpg?
Can I upload .mp3

to file manager? these are common file formats that they are not accepting if not what are my other options?

wagdi replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Yes and Yes!

If you find yourself getting an 'Invalid File' error when trying to upload your files to your Concrete5 website, try checking the 'Allowed File Types' to see if you have included the file type you wish to upload.

By default, Concrete5 includes over 35 file types for you too choose from, however, you may find yourself using some obscure file type that isn't available in the list. This is an easy fix and should take you no more than 30 seconds!

1. Go to Dashboard ->

2. System and Settings ->

3. Permissions & Access->

4. 'Allowed File Types'... see if you have any file types listed.

If not; add the following file types-

flv, jpg, gif, jpeg, ico, docx, xla, png, psd, swf, doc, txt, xls, xlsx, csv, pdf, tiff, rtf, m4a, mov, wmv, mpeg, mpg, wav, avi, m4v, mp4, mp3, qt, ppt, pptx, kml, xml

If your filetype isn't there, simply add it to the list. Separate with comma's.

Once you've added your file type, go back to the file manager and try uploading the file again. It should now work!
uicnow replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you, for some reason by default there was no allowed file types there, but I did exactly what you said and now everything works thank you so much.