Urgent help needed.
Guys, I need a savior today. I am getting ready to launch my site and was looking in to ways to speed it up. It wasn't terribly slow but it wasn't as quick as it could be. I am still very new to this (anyone who lurks these forums has probably seen a billion threads from me in the past week). I went into system settings and into cache and speed settings. Basic cache was set to on, full page caching was off and full page cache rebuild was set to off. This was the original settings. I set it to basic cache on, full page caching if blocks allow it and cache rebuild to manually cleared. This made my site come to a crawl. I switched the settings back and it is still slow as molasses. What did I do?

well, never mind, it seemed to work out whatever kinks it had after giving it a couple minutes. It still isn't super fast but its workable. If anyone has any tips on speeding this up I would gladly appreciate it.http://www.yunotakemymoney.com is the site and I use ecommerce addon. Would MISER help me in this situation? I use bluehost if that makes a difference.
That's about as fast as you can get. There is some good advise here
You can disable automatic cache cleaning with
but make sure you create a job to clear it. Here is an example of said job that you can create and run
There is also plenty of little things like the compiled adodb php extension etc.
Using apc for opcode caching helps quite a bit with c5's spinup each request.
Lot's of little things, but you look ok right now. Miser certainly wouldn't hurt and it seems like you are loading a fair amount of resources so you would probably notice a nice speedup.
You can disable automatic cache cleaning with
but make sure you create a job to clear it. Here is an example of said job that you can create and run
There is also plenty of little things like the compiled adodb php extension etc.
Using apc for opcode caching helps quite a bit with c5's spinup each request.
Lot's of little things, but you look ok right now. Miser certainly wouldn't hurt and it seems like you are loading a fair amount of resources so you would probably notice a nice speedup.
This will give you an idea of loads times in a graphical display