Urgent, please please help! C5 Toolbar hidden behind fixed position nav

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I'm desperate having searched forums and tried many things to fix, but I cannot get this working and site is due live asap...

Basically, built responsive site and the sute has a fixed position navigation bar at the top. This unfortunately overlays the C% toolbar when logged in. I've tried adding wrappers, changing body to c5wrap etc to no avail.

The site can be viewed athttp://thevernonhanbury.marmaladesoup.co.uk/cms/index.php...

Changing z-index in chrome dev tools of the c5 toolbar to 5000 brings it to the front, but I just cannot get it to sit above the navigation bar as it should.

Really appreciate any help asap

exchangecore replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Something you could do is add some additional css snippet which overrides your fixed nav css rules so that they have a top margin on them when a user is logged in as an administrator. Would probably just toss this at the very end of your <head> tags

$u = new User(); //gets current user object
$g = Group::getByName("Administrators"); 
if($u->inGroup($g)) {
    //include alternate css file with override styles here
localcreative replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks that worked for me!