Url parameters

Hello to everybody, I need to do something like this:
I want to load content by url parameter for example:



I need to load all projects in a single page, the project-name will be the identifier for the content in my database.

It's possible to do that?

Thanks in advance

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
its entirely possible and really easy, a few of the dashboard pages do it,
calebphp replied on at Permalink Reply
please can you help with a sample!
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
take a look at concrete/controllers/profile/controller.php
the view function,
the url is like site.com/profile/1/ where 1 is the user id,
adavis replied on at Permalink Reply
Does this also work on the front end of the site?

It looks like in that controller the variable is passed to the view method


but this does not seem to work in a block. Any advice?
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
Blocks are different, you need to use actions or get or post,
adavis replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks for quick reply, I will look into actions