Urls on multilingual site
I have a two language site - English and French. Using the internationalization package, I set up the two languages under the pages 'en' and 'fr'. The default language is English, and currently when a user goes into my site, he redirects tohttp://mysite.com/en/...
I would like the url to not have 'en' in it, when in English.
Does anyone know how to do this?
I have a two language site - English and French. Using the internationalization package, I set up the two languages under the pages 'en' and 'fr'. The default language is English, and currently when a user goes into my site, he redirects tohttp://mysite.com/en/...
I would like the url to not have 'en' in it, when in English.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Thank you for your answer, I would like to make is so that English ishttp://www.yourdomain.com/home while French ishttp://www.yourdomain.com/fr/home
Thank you for your answer, I would like to make is so that English is
http://www.yourdomain.com/home while French is
http://www.yourdomain.com/home while French is
As I stated abow. I think that you should do it the way as I explained. You can then make the landing pages (fr) (en) automatic redirect to there respective (home) pages (seehttp://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/page-auto-redirect/)... then your landing pages will be unaccessibly. The benefit is also that your autonav menues will always be on same level and you will be able to make a sidewide block area in your Theme for your autonav block.
We have been building a few multilingual sites and what you are seeking is (if I am correctly) not possible.
Just think abouthttp://www.yourdomain.com/en/home andwww.www.yourdomain.com/fr/home.... If you tried to make them boathhttp://www.yourdomain.com/home. Witch one should then be the one to go to.
Setting up a multilingual site normaly is done this way:
Landingpage (home)
.....landingpage (en)
..........home (home for en)
..........about (about for en)
.....landingpage (fr)
..........home (home for fr)
..........about (about for fr)
Regards Michael