useing my own class for elements

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Is there a way to specify what class is assigned to an editable element, I am trying to have a slider with 3 images and the images be editable. any advice would be appreciated thanks

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
You can use block design to assign a class to a div wrapping a block. Then use that as a prefix for the css selectors of your own styling.
mikeyt55 replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah thanks, can't believe I couldn't solve this one myself lol.
I figured out I could also just wrap the images in a div, then use
div.class_name img {'ccs_styleing'}
div#id img {'ccs_styleing'}
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Careful about using #id as if a block is copied and pasted through the clipboard it won't be unique!