User attributes are not updated

I am on
When i try to change some attributes like "date of birth"/"I would like to receive private messages." - Nothing changes.

This is very basic.
I don't know what could have been the reason.

I want to use a new custom attribute for "Terms and Conditions Acceptance". But the values are not getting updated at all.

Please kindly treat this as urgent.

Ale replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Did you remember to click the save icon on the right-hand side of the attributes table? After editing an attribute, you have to click it. Otherwise, attributes won't be saved. There is an save icon for each attribute on it's own row.
mindshines replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks a lot for point it out and for the quick response. It works :).
I was clicking the update button and did not use this small edit button.

And this question can be considered closed.
hopskipjumperoo replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there still supposed to be a save icon on each row of attributes? Or was that an old version?
I am having the same problem as the OP, my changes to user attributes are not saved. I click on the 'update attibute' and do not get an error but then when I go back in to loo, my changes are gone.
Ale replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Not quite sure what you mean...

Are you updating some user's attributes or making changes to the attribute itself (eg. is it a text input or checkbox..)?

The first one is what this thread was about. Check the attached image for clarification.
hopskipjumperoo replied on at Permalink Reply
The latter is my problem. I am trying to save my updates to what I want the attribute names to be on my registration and profile forms, and and my changes are not staying, even when I click the update attribute button at the bottom of the update attribute form. No changes made to the attribute fields are saving. I am running 5.4.2. I tried the deactivate button as well and that isn't working either.

I get a confirmation message User Attribute Updated, but they are not getting updated.

Is this is a bug or am I not using the interface correctly?
Ale replied on at Permalink Reply
EDIT: actually this one was just about the user attribute order not being saved, but you could still upgrade to and see if it fixes the problem

It seems that it's a known bug that has been reported in bug tracker also:

Upgrading to should fix the problem.