User Authentication - 3rd party databases - Not Really Open

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Has anyone built a bridge, an api or a block that would retrieve, create, add or modify user authentication information from a 3rd party database? No disrespect intended here at all - but to truly be "Open" this is a huge requirement. IMHO

There are hundreds of thousands of existing websites that already have user authentication built in as a core part of their existing products.

In my case we run a job board, and user authentication is built into our site on every page at every level.

If I understand concrete correctly, Requiring people to do things the "Concrete way" imho - seems closed.

Creating a hack that duplicates databases, or syncs 2 databases, or whatever is juvenile at best.

I understand there is OpenID - but that's not the answer either - no one uses it, at least not en masse, and forcing people to go this route (OpenID) is overkill.

If you could somehow create a very simple widget that would allow concrete to speak to other databases - you would no longer be limiting your potential audience. IMHO

Requiring the "concrete way" for authentication is a good way to keep joomla and drupal and all the others at the top.

This is a great product - a fantastic product, but this one issue is the achilles heal IMHO.

Fernandos replied on at Permalink Reply
I see your point.

You can install your own OpenID Server and become an OpenID provider yourself ;)
This way you've secured the future of your webdevelopment projects and can use it's api in all of your projects as login system.

Here is it:

But I can tell that I've met only one or two guys who made a bridge, but with the way you described (db syncs).. which isn't a true solution.

A good solutin would be to goto: \concrete\libraries\authentication\open_id.php and look how the OpenID class is done.

Basically there are some variables that need to be set to make c5 recognize your login system. To be honest this is a bit hard, but not as hard as writing a Project Management

I hope that I could give you a helpfull answer.

(Please mark answers that you think that are usefull and helpfull from now on :) It may helps others finding the best answer instead of reading through all posts.)

Fernandos replied on at Permalink Reply
btw. c5 is open as possible open can be.
you got the source dude and you always can manipulate it or add functionality or libraries and interfaces to it. Like a login system bridge.

I would prefer the private OpenID solution.
Google is a bitc* and I wouldn't trust it and give them all my users as kind of "gift" for free..