user only sees his files in filemanager

how do i set up my site so i can create a page. give a user access to upload to the file manager and only see their files that they uploaded.

enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Create a file set from dashboard > file sets and give that user permissions for the file set from within the same dialogue!
theguideus replied on at Permalink Reply
The file manager button doesn't show up?
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Make sure the settings in dashboard > system & settings > file manager are set to allow the user access to the file manager also...
theguideus replied on at Permalink Reply
i gave permission to a user for a file set, inside the fileset, but when they choose the fileset in the file manager it won't show any files from that set
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Make sure the user has access to view, search, add, and delete in the file set permissions
theguideus replied on at Permalink Reply
still says no files found when i select the file set. do i have to give permission to each file?
theguideus replied on at Permalink Reply
i just looked and all the files in the fileset where automatically given permission? so is their something else i need to set?
theguideus replied on at Permalink Reply
the user can see the set, but only what they upload, even tho they are part of a group that has permission to upload. can i make it so the user can see all files uploaded by their group?
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
change the permission to allow the group and not just the user...
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Glad you got it working. Getting permissions right can be like running in a big circle :D