User permissions don't change while the user is logged in?

I've noticed that if a user is added to a group while logged in they don't seem to get that group's permissions until they log in again.

The scenairo:

User A logs in.

While A is logged in, the Admin adds them to the "can see cool stuff" group.

A navigates to a page where a block is only visible to "can see cool stuff" members.

Expected: A sees the block

Actual: A doesn't see the block

Is there a way to change this behaviour or force permissions to be re-checked?

Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
Try clearing the site cache, through systems. and settings as it may be retaining the old user data, and then have them try their new permissions.

If it works than when you give permissions next time you just cache.
sagelt replied on at Permalink Reply
Nope, clearing the cache had no effect.