User Profile Pages - v5.3

Permalink 1 user found helpful
Very nice work C5 Team. This new version is a great improvement....thanks for the hard work on 5.3.

If anyone could shed light on how I might generate a basic profile page of all users I would appreciate it. I tried creating a memberlist.php page in Single_Pages and used code from the core profile view....No luck.

I just need a page in my theme that lists all user profiles and attributes in a single view.

Thanks for any help you can provide

marxion replied on at Permalink Reply
Just a bump...any thoughts.
void123 replied on at Permalink Reply
another bump, any idea's?
Tony replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
go here: /dashboard/users/registration/

and then turn on public profiles, and then you should be able to view them at /members/
dihakz replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi... been trying to fiddle with this... are you saying that ALL members (with public profiles enabled) will be visible on that page (/members/)?

Also, the enable checkbox, has the following text below it:
Enable public profile pages for site members.

Does this mean that you HAVE to be a registered member, and logged in (i.e. not a 'guest' or a non-logged in user) to view the profiles? If so, is there any way to change it so it IS available to the public-at-large?
