Using Concrete5 book as example, block not showing
I am trying to understand how blocks are designed thus using the Concrete5 book from PackT. I created all of the files and placed in the concrete5/blocks directory. When I go to install and I do not see the block in the list. Any suggestions?
I am trying to understand how blocks are designed thus using the Concrete5 book from PackT. I created all of the files and placed in the concrete5/blocks directory. When I go to install and I do not see the block in the list. Any suggestions?
Thank you for the immediate reply. Yes, I initially had in /concrete5/blocks directory. I have moved to /block directory outside of /concrete5.
I have checked the name. In my case it is product_information (name of directory). I have named the class ProductInformationBlockController extends....
When I go to Dashboard/install, I do not see it still nothing is showing up.
Any ideas?
I have checked the name. In my case it is product_information (name of directory). I have named the class ProductInformationBlockController extends....
When I go to Dashboard/install, I do not see it still nothing is showing up.
Any ideas?
Check that you've named your block folder and the controller correctly:
If your block folder is 'testimonial', make sure the controller.php file for your block sets up a class like:
If it's got underscores:
my_block_name becomes MyBlockNameBlockController