Using LESS in pages, getStylesheet() points to wrong dir
On this page:
It says to do this to use a LESS file:
<link href="<?=$view->getStylesheet('templatemo_style.less')?>" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
But the problem is, $view->getStylesheet() uses a base path of /concrete/themes/mytheme, not /application/themes/mytheme. I'm thoroughly confused how to use the LESS parser. Any advice would be great
It says to do this to use a LESS file:
<link href="<?=$view->getStylesheet('templatemo_style.less')?>" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
But the problem is, $view->getStylesheet() uses a base path of /concrete/themes/mytheme, not /application/themes/mytheme. I'm thoroughly confused how to use the LESS parser. Any advice would be great