Using middleware for authentication

I am developing a package of multiple single dashboard pages. The package requires some api information to be filled out prior to using it. Each time the package is accessed, I wish to verify that it is configured before displaying a given page. Can middleware be used? What about the package controller such as in on_start()? Or will I need to locate it in the individual page controllers? Thank you

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
If its standard c5 authorisation, you likely don't need any code because the usual c5 page permissions can take care of it.

If not and/or more code is required, I would either:
- use an on-start event handler in the package controller and check for relevant pages (guessing they all share a common parent)
- use inheritance, so set up my own abstract parent class with the on_start() etc, then inherit from that for the other single page controllers.
NotionCommotion replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks John,

Need more than the standard.

I first tried to implement using on-start event handler in the package controller, but couldn't figure out how to redirect to from there.

Then I tried on_start() on an abstract parent class for the single page controllers which would redirect if not configured and not accessing the configuration page, but DashboardPageController::getControllerActionPath() returns the original path and not redirected path so I got an endless loop.

So, then I tried the same thing but with on_before_render, and it worked perfect.

While all works, if I should be doing differently, please advise.

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
For the package controller, I suspect you were mixing up the on_start method with the on_start event handler.
In the on_start method, the page has not necessarily been resolved. In the event handler, it has.
NotionCommotion replied on at Permalink Reply
Didn't even know about the event handler. I like it! Thanks
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
What you have bee doing with on_before_render sounds reasonable. The only reason for changing to use on_start is a small performance gain. If you are redirecting anyway, the earlier you catch it, the less un-necessary other processing gets done.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
NotionCommotion replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the links. Add the event handler in the package controller's on_start method? But then I don't believe I have a method to retrieve the path.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Get the path from either the current page or from the request object.
rge replied on at Permalink Reply
Hissy has an example on github. He adds the middleware via the package on_start method.

namespace Concrete\Package\YourPackage;
use Acme\Http\Middleware\YourMiddleware;
use Concrete\Core\Http\ServerInterface;
use Concrete\Core\Package\Package;
class Controller extends Package
    public function on_start()
        /** @var ServerInterface $server */
        $server = $this->app->make(ServerInterface::class);

In the middle ware class you can implement the MiddlewareInterface.

namespace MyNameSpace\Http\Middleware;
use Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware\MiddlewareInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
class AuthMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface
    public function process(Request $request, DelegateInterface $frame)
        return $frame->next($request);