Using reCaptcha with single page forms the Concrete5 5.6.1 way
Hello everybody,
I'm building a rather complex application using Concrete5 5.6.1 and I've come across the need to extend the built-in Concrete5 functionality to the point of creating forms in single pages, with captcha validation. As I found the "built-in" captcha unsatisfactory, I decided to integrate reCaptcha with a completely customized theme and messages. Maybe some of you have already solved this, but just in case you haven't yet, I'll tell you how I did it.
I will assume you know your way around single pages. If not, check this:
1. The single page view (sp_view.php)
2. The single page controller (sp_controller.php)
3. The recptchalib.php library from
4. $your_PUBLIC_recaptcha_key and $your_PRIVATE_recaptcha_key, which you can get from
1. First of all, you need to save recaptchalib.php in your siteroot/libraries/recaptcha folder (first you need to create the recaptcha folder).
2. sp_view.php
Add this javascript BEFORE the beginning of your <form> tag:
Add your markup before the submit input:
Load the library and get the reCaptcha html, after the markup above:
3. sp_controller.php
Create your custom form validation rules in your save() function within the controller class, as described at
Load the library and get the answer from the user:
Validate the form:
This is pretty much it, and it works like a charm for me. You can style the id's and classes in your css to your liking.
I hope this will help and save you some time.
I'm building a rather complex application using Concrete5 5.6.1 and I've come across the need to extend the built-in Concrete5 functionality to the point of creating forms in single pages, with captcha validation. As I found the "built-in" captcha unsatisfactory, I decided to integrate reCaptcha with a completely customized theme and messages. Maybe some of you have already solved this, but just in case you haven't yet, I'll tell you how I did it.
I will assume you know your way around single pages. If not, check this:
1. The single page view (sp_view.php)
2. The single page controller (sp_controller.php)
3. The recptchalib.php library from
4. $your_PUBLIC_recaptcha_key and $your_PRIVATE_recaptcha_key, which you can get from
1. First of all, you need to save recaptchalib.php in your siteroot/libraries/recaptcha folder (first you need to create the recaptcha folder).
2. sp_view.php
Add this javascript BEFORE the beginning of your <form> tag:
<script type="text/javascript"> var RecaptchaOptions = { theme: 'custom', custom_theme_widget: 'recaptcha' // id of the recaptcha wrapper div below }; </script>
Add your markup before the submit input:
<div id="recaptcha" style="display: none"> <div class="r-image"> <div id="recaptcha_image"></div><!-- this is important --> <p id="controls"><a onclick="Recaptcha.reload();"><? echo t('Generate a new code') ?></a></p> </div> <div class="r-response"> <label for="recaptcha_response_field"><span class="recaptcha_only_if_image"><? echo t('Enter the words above:') ?></span></label> <input name="recaptcha_response_field" id="recaptcha_response_field" type="text" /><!-- name and id need to be recaptcha_response_field --> <label><? echo t("Capitalization doesn't matter.") ?></label> </div> </div>
Load the library and get the reCaptcha html, after the markup above:
<?php Loader::library('recaptcha/recaptchalib'); echo recaptcha_get_html($your_PUBLIC_recaptcha_key); ?>
3. sp_controller.php
Create your custom form validation rules in your save() function within the controller class, as described at
Load the library and get the answer from the user:
Loader::library('recaptcha/recaptchalib'); $recaptchaResponse = recaptcha_check_answer($your_PRIVATE_recaptcha_key, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $this->post('recaptcha_challenge_field'), $this->post('recaptcha_response_field'));
Validate the form:
if($this->validation->test() and $recaptchaResponse->is_valid) { $validated = true; } else { $validated = false; $error_array = $this->validation->getError()->getList(); if(!$recaptchaResponse->is_valid) array_push($error_array, t('The captcha answer is incorrect.')); }
This is pretty much it, and it works like a charm for me. You can style the id's and classes in your css to your liking.
I hope this will help and save you some time.