Valid values for $form $isChecked?

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I'm working on a custom block that has a search form in it, with a checkbox, which I would like to be unchecked initially. According to the documentation:
$form->checkbox($name, $value, $isChecked, $tagAttributes)

Outputs a checkbox. The $isChecked boolean controls whether the checkbox is initially checked or not.

So I've tried...

No matter what I pass in that slot, the box appears checked. I'm probably overlooking something obvious, but if someone can give me a whack with a clue-by-four, I'd be grateful.


landollweb replied on at Permalink Reply
Anyone out there building custom form blocks with checkboxes?
moosh replied on at Permalink Reply
I've got the same problem...

Any idea ?


chameleondesign replied on at Permalink Reply
same problem. Is this feature bust on concrete5 or are we doing something wrong?
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
I tested it just in a page, and it seems to be working for me.

<form method="post" action="/">
$fh = Loader::helper("form");
echo "Test";
echo $fh->checkbox("test_me", 'yes', 1);
echo $fh->checkbox("test_you", 'no', 0);
echo $fh->submit("go", "go");

That was with version, so possibly outdated, but I doubt it. I'm guessing that it's something else in your code. I know that if the variable exists and it's in the request array somehow (which might happen with opening a block form) then it will use that instead.
VPenkov replied on at Permalink Reply
You can also try this:

This seems to do the trick for the other guy.

Also, here's the function:
/*@param string $isChecked "Checked" value (subject to be overridden by $_REQUEST). Checkbox is checked if value is true (string). Note that 'false' (string) evaluates to true (boolean)!
   public function checkbox($key, $value, $isChecked = false, $miscFields = array()) {
      $id = $key;
      $_field = $key;
      if ((strpos($key, '[]') + 2) == strlen($key)) {
         $_field = substr($key, 0, strpos($key, '[]'));
         $id = $_field . '_' . $value;
      if ($isChecked && (!isset($_REQUEST[$_field])) && ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST')) {
         $checked = true;
      } else if ($this->getRequestValue($key) == $value) {
         $checked = true;
      } else if (is_array($this->getRequestValue($key)) && in_array($value, $this->getRequestValue($key))) {
         $checked = true;

Mind the comments.

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