Versions / Update to Add-on in Marketplace for Previous Customers

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Can someone explain how versions work for add-ons? I'm selling an add-on in the marketplace, and I've sold a number of copies. However, a small bug was discovered, and I need to upload a corrected version of the add-on and give all my customers the update. When I "Manage Files" and upload a 1.1 version will my customers be asked to update, or, how does that work?


jordanlev replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You have to update the version number in two places -- in your package controller.php file, and in the marketplace description page. Once you've done those two things, then yes customers who have their site "connected to the community" will see an automatic update notice.
phatworks replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, and it's up to the developer to determine version numbering? Or, do we have a convention to follow?
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
It's up to you (the developer), although I'd recommend sticking with the standard conventions of point-point releases for minor bug fixes, point releases for new features, and whole number increases for drastic overhauls or lots of new features.
